


Donation deadline: April, 25th

 The current situation in Ukraine has brought about devastating consequences for millions of families and children. There are various opinions on the situation and everyone is entitled to their own.  However, one thing we can all agree on is the true humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded. We are taking this opportunity to ask our friends, clients, and members of our community to come together to help Ukrainian children and families. Some families are stuck in a country that is being destroyed, others are seeking shelter as refugees leaving everything behind.




  • Click on the Amazon link to be redirected to the list of items needed. 
  • You can choose whichever item or items you would like to buy. 
  • Your gift will be delivered directly to our warehouse.
  • WARNING: When entering the delivery address, select the address under the name “CONTAINER OF CARE”. Once received, we will prepare the donations for export by air or ocean freight.


You have the option of buying items at any store and bringing them to our warehouse in person anytime during opening hours. Please only purchase the types of items already found on the created gift list.


Sleeping bags, blankets, travel bags / and suitcases in GOOD condition can also be donated.


For those who do not want to donate items for whatever reason, but would still like to help, can also make a financial contribution. This can be done by clicking on the designated PayPal link for the Slovak Mission in Chicago, an organization that is also involved in the project.


We have prepared a list of items and commodities that are currently being requested by the charitable organizations that we are working with.

Categories include:

Most Wanted (immediately needed)

Medical Supplies
Hygienic Supplies
Disposable Tableware and Utensils
School Supplies and Small Toys for Children

We will update this list as needed.

Donations will be consolidated in our warehouse and sent to charitable organizations in Slovakia by air or ocean freight. These organizations will then divide the donations and deliver them to the following:

  • Refugee Hotspots in Slovakia for mothers and children crossing the border
  • Directly to families who remained in their home country Ukraine

Most fundraisers created to help Ukranians are asking for money because it’s extremely difficult to transport items overseas. Many of our friends and clients have already asked us if it’s possible to send packages or aid. We have decided to organize a fundraiser titled “Container of Care” to make it possible for us and everyone willing to contribute to help the innocent children and families affected by the devastating eruption of war, which unfortunately is also affecting surrounding countries, including our native Slovakia. 

Tatra Shipping Co, as a US based shipping company, has the resources to provide the logistics and deliver all of your donations to those who need our help. We believe it is our moral responsibility to help children and families in need, not only as a company with Slovak roots, but as human beings. 

We are honored and blessed that other organizations and individuals here in the US  have reached out without hesitation, in effort to help us with this project. By working together and supporting each other, we can contribute to those who need our help now. THANK YOU!

Slovak Mision in Chicago

The Slovak Mission in Chicago is a Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox church organization. In our mission, we pray together for peace and tranquility around the world. One of our responsibilities as believing Christians is to help the needy. In addition to various spiritual activities, we also organize charitable collections to help people in need. We are glad that together with other Slovak organizations from Chicago, we can be at least a little helpful to suffering people. We turn to all believers and people of good will for help for those people who have lost everything due to the war in Ukraine. If you would like to know more about our Slovak mission in Chicago, click here: www.slovenskamisia.org.


The Slovak Academy of Chicago is proud to be part of this project to Help Children and Families in Ukraine. It is extremely important to teach our children to be kind, compassionate, and aware of what is happening all around them. This is a chance for us adults, to show our children how to help those in need. We encourage our parents to include your children when choosing which items to donate. Students who attend our academy will be given the opportunity to write letters and make cards to the Ukrainian students who will be receiving the donations. We believe that even with such a small act of kindness we will bring joy and put a smile on the faces of those who need it the most. It doesn’t take much to make the world a better place, so let’s start now and  make it better together.

Veselica Slovak Cultural Organization

Like many of you, we are touched by the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. After observing the news and images, as well as people’s personal testimonies, we cannot remain indifferent. Therefore, we, as Veselica Slovak Cultural Organization, Veselica Folklore Ensemble, and Folk Music Veselica, welcomed the opportunity to participate in this special project organized by Tatra Shipping in Chicago to help families, mothers, refugees, and all those affected by the war in Ukraine.

There is only so much we can do from a distance, which is why we thank Tatra Shipping Co. for this initiative. At the same time, we would like to thank all our Veselica members who are involved in this project and helping in any way, whether materially by purchasing the most necessary items or financially making a donation. Thank you!

Seth Tuska - Tuska, LLC

As we are witness to this horror in  Ukraine, how can we help? 

Tuska.com is the embodiment of the Legacy of American Artist Tuska. 

We offer education and healing programs on the human condition 

and what it means to be human. 

Our BeALionJungle.com program is for children to inspire 

the value of the arts in development, wellness, and healing, 

in the form of a coloring book illustrated by Jim Henson and 

the Muppet’s Cartoonist Guy Gilchrist.  

We are humbled to offer, thanks to this collaboration with Tatraship.com

a message of hope and inspiration written in Ukrainian, to as many children torn from this war as we can. Delivered in a bag with some crayons, to be given in the kits provided at shelters, schools, churches, anywhere first responders are aiding refugees.  


The message: Be A Lion – Art will show you how. 

Paint it, Sing it, Dance it, Play it, Act it,Make it, Write it, Say it. 

When problems and trouble have tracked you down, face trouble like a lion, strong and



To the Children of Ukraine, 

with Love.

The following organizations and individuals will be responsible for the distribution of items and will ensure all donations will get into the hands of the children and families of Ukraine:

Ján Pochanič

– Slovak school teacher in Uzhhorod.

The current situation in Ukraine shows that peace is no longer guaranteed. Since we can not influence the situation, the least we can do is assist with the catastrophic consequences by helping the children, parents and teachers, ensuring they have our support. 

I have been working in education for 22 years (elementary level). I worked at the University of Prešov in Prešov for eight years and have been intensively involved with Slovaks living abroad since 2005. I have visited and worked with many countries, where I held over 1000 workshops and discussions on creative writing and reading literacy for Slovak people living abroad. In my literary work, I focus on children’s literature, more precisely on fairy tales or legends. I have written more than 20 books for children and young people, released a CD, and a cartoon. I am involved in several children’s competitions in Slovakia, of which I am also a judge. One of my latest projects is titled, Slovak fairy tales from all over the world. I am currently working at a Slovak school in Uzhhorod, where I am preparing another book for Slovak and Ukrainian children. My work has also been translated into Ukrainian and Braille. Children are my greatest motivation. When creating and illustrating, they are the ones I aim to bring closer to the abstract world of artists in its most interesting form.

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For more information, please contact us at info@tatraship.com    1 708 576 8834

It is not about how much we give,

but how much love we put into giving.  

Mother Teresa