Rates cover shipping costs from our warehouse in Chicago to the final destination.
Parcel Cost Calculator
Parcel Cost Calculator
For more on our parcel services, check out the Parcel Services page on our website. You’ll find details on delivery options, tracking, and estimated costs based on package weight and destination. Our Parcel Cost Calculator is a helpful tool that lets you quickly check shipping costs by entering the destination, package weight, and your preferred delivery speed. This way, you can easily pick the best delivery option for your budget and needs.
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Your Trusted Partner in Global Shipping. Located in Chicago, we deliver excellence from all corners of the globe to destinations worldwide since 2008.
Contact Details
Phone: +1-708-576-8834
Email: [email protected]
Address: 7250 W 90th Street Bridgeview, IL 60455 Illinois, USA
Open Hours
Connect via WhatsApp for international support.